Members of the parish who wish to attend the Annual National March for Life are invited to meet after the 9 am Mass on Friday January 24 to arrange for carpooling to the Rockville Metro station or downtown as desired. We plan on leaving by 10 or 11 am. The March for Life is an inspiring, peaceful, vibrant, and joy-filled rally of women, men, young people, and children from across the country witnessing to the sanctity of human life. For more information and a detailed list of events at the March this year see
National Prayer Vigil for Life – Thursday - Friday, January 23-24, 2025.
For information on this year’s National Prayer Vigil for Life 2024 events, including prayer vigil, and opening and closing masses at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C. see Please note that The 5:00–8:00 p.m. prayer events on January 23 and the 8:00-9:00 a.m. Mass on January 24 will be televised by EWTN and livestreamed on the Basilica’s webpage.
Adoration for Life on January 24, 2024
In addition, we will have adoration in the Church on Friday, January 24th after the 9 am Mass for those who wish to support the March for Life by praying the rosary during a holy hour before the Blessed Sacrament.
9 Days for Life Novena from January 16 - 24, 2025
Like last year, we will be praying the USCCB Novena for Life in the Church at the conclusion of every daily Mass from January 16 -24. For more details on the Novena and to print your own copy, please see the USSCB website.
Join Respect for Life Flocknote Group
Want to stay on top of all the latest news and developments with our Prolife activities at St. Raphael Catholic Church, including last minute changes to the National March of Life schedule, which is often impacted by weather? Please enter your cell phone and/or email address on the first page of our website by clicking here or send your name, cell phone number and/or email address to Carmen de Perignat at to join our growing list of lovers of life!
St. Raphael's Respect for Life (RFL) committee promotes respect for the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death by being witnesses to the timeless teachings of the Catholic faith. We seek to promote pro-life values for the whole life on a wide range of life issues, including advocating for legislation supported by the Maryland Catholic Conference (MCC) and against legislation abortion and physician assisted suicide, assisting moms and dads in unexpected pregnancies and material assistance, and helping those suffering from the devasting effects of post abortive syndrome. We also witness to the sanctity of human life through devoted prayer, works of charity, and education. Some of the more recent activities we participate include:
- Participating in the National March For Life in D.C. and Maryland March for Life in Annapolis
-Participating in MCC Catholic Lobby night by meeting with state legislators to advocate for pro-life legislation and against legislation promoting the culture of death
- Public Prayer to support Witness for Life on the first Saturday of the month at Leroy Carhart’s abortion facility at Wildwood Medical Center in Bethesda
- Participating in the 40 Days for Life Spring and Fall Campaigns to end abortion
- Monthly “Mustard Seed” letters to corporations who support abortion
- Supporting the Shady Grove Pregnancy Center
- Supporting Project Rachel healing ministry for post-abortive moms
- Supporting Gabriel Network maternity homes and Angel Network
- Sponsoring Pro-life Speaker Talks at our parish
- Raising money to support MD Right for Life, including Mother's Day Carnation Sale
RFL meetings are currently held on the third Monday of the month from September to June in the evening via Zoom.
The state of Maryland including Montgomery County is an abortion haven and we are in a spiritual battle trying to change one heart at a time. We are open to new ideas on how best to support life in the public sphere.
Please contact the RFL Committee at if you are interested in joining our committee or would like more information.
Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy and are being pushed to resolve the “problem”? You do not have to face this decision alone or make it hastily. There are several life-affirming resources available to help not to regret your decision. They are as follows:
Shady Grove Pregnancy Center Centro Tepeyac Pregnancy Center
16220 N. Frederick Road, #118 12248 Georgia Avenue
Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Silver Spring, MD 20902
301-963-6223 301-587-9516
Archdiocese of Washington Resources
Healing after an abortion?
Call Project Rachel at 301-853-4565
The Mustard Seed Project is a network of 6,000+ pro-life activists that help volunteers from Catholic organizations nationwide participate in a coordinated letter-writing campaign to one major Planned Parenthood (PP) donor every month. This type of mass letter-writing campaign has proven to be an effective tool, resulting in the loss of millions of dollars of funding to PP.
How does it work? The beginning of every month, the RFL Ministry receives an email from the publisher of ‘The Boycott Handbook,’ an annual publication that identifies corporate supporters of PP. The email names the target corporate donor and provides updated statistics on abortion and its effect on women’s health. Next we conduct research on the company in order to customize a one-page letter to 3 C-level executives involved in the decision and allocation of charitable donations. The one-page letter educates each executive about the untold truths about PP and asks them to consider donating their corporate funds to other worthy causes.
How to get involved? Visit this page around the 3rd week of each month. Click on the link below and download the Word document to your computer. The Word document will contain pre-written letters to specific C-Level executives. All you need to do is type in your name and address in the letters. Then, print out the 3 letters, sign your name to each and mail. That’s it! If you would like to be reminded when to visit this page each month you can sign up to receive FlockNotes notifications from this ministry to your phone.
Angel Friends are trained volunteers from local churches who help clients in crisis pregnancies with practical, emotional and spiritual support and accompany them through pregnancy and beyond as needed. Clients are referred to teams through Gabriel Network. If you are interested in joining the Angel Friend Team at St. Raphael's, please contact Carol DeGraba,
St. Raphael’s Respect for Life Committee (RFL) seeks to promote a greater reverence in both our parish and faith community, for the dignity of human life from conception to natural death. We approach this task with a readiness to nurture and sustain this precious gift of human life through pro-life education, advocacy, works of charity and prayer. In an effort to successfully promote a culture of life in an increasingly complex world, we share the Catholic Church’s teachings on a wide range of life issues, such as abortion, embryonic stem-cell research, euthanasia, Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS), contraception, infertility procedures and the death penalty. We humbly commit ourselves to spreading the message of God’s Word and Love as it pertains to the infinite values of each human life created in His very image and likeness (Genesis 1:26). We support St. Pope John Paul II’s comments during his 1999 visit to St. Louis: “And so, America: If you want peace, work for justice. If you want justice, defend life. If you want life, embrace the truth, the truth revealed by God.”